

Research, writing, infographics + photography

Animal welfare, focusing on farmed animals

Cows noses / ©onanimals.co.uk


The science of slaughter: Is the stunning of pigs in the UK slaughterhouses currently humane?

6 May 2022

The UK public are given assurances that animal welfare at slaughter in the UK is high, in part because animals are stunned prior to slaughter. Conversations around slaughter are often focused on ethics; the philosophical rights and wrongs of killing or around a vegan agenda. However, what about the science of slaughter? What is the evidence… Read >

Affleck, K (2022). The science of slaughter: is the stunning of pigs in UK slaughterhouses currently humane?. Alfred Journal, 1(11). https://www.winchester.ac.uk/about-us/academic-excellence/learning-and-teaching-development/alfred-journal/



  • The science of slaughter: Is the stunning of pigs in UK slaughterhouses currently humane?

    The UK public are given assurances that animal welfare at slaughter in the UK is high, in part because animals are stunned prior to slaughter. Conversations around slaughter are often focused on ethics; the philosophical rights and wrongs of killing or around a vegan agenda. However, what about the science of slaughter? What is the…

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  • Lobster welfare: serious welfare issues for lobsters in the UK, with focus on slaughter

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  • Chicken or egg: Hatchery welfare issues for female layer chicks

    Many consumers now consider where eggs come from; chickens in various farming systems, but less so on where these chickens came from; the hatchery. The culling at hatcheries of male chicks, considered waste product as they cannot lay eggs, has increased as a consumer welfare concern1, and rightly so.

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  • The strong cow-calf bond broken: Behavioural and physiological stress responses

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  • Forgotten Fish – UK and EU law

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  • Examining farm animal welfare law in the UK and EU

    A critical overview of legislation, primarily on-farm welfare, in the UK and EU. As the UK was recently an EU member their legislation is similar. Both are considered to have high animal welfare legislation compared to other parts of the world but still attract criticism, including the lack of law covering fish welfare.

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In the dark / ©onanimals.co.uk
Turkey house / ©onanimals.co.uk
Cows noses / ©onanimals.co.uk
Sheep / ©onanimals.co.uk
Pig arriving at slaughterhouse / ©onanimals.co.uk
Cull / ©onanimals.co.uk
Eyes open at slaughterhouse / ©onanimals.co.uk
Eyes closed at slaughterhouse / ©onanimals.co.uk

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(1) DEFRA (2019) https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/historical-statistics-notices-on-poultry-and-poultry-meat-production-2019
(2) DEFRA (2019) https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/historical-statistics-notices-on-the-number-of-cattle-sheep-and-pigs-slaughtered-in-the-uk-2019


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Animal Farm, George Orwell


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